Domestic Violence is an act of a person against another person which results in physical, sexual, psychological suffering and/or neglect of the household, including coercion and deprivation of liberty as well as threats to commit acts that are against the law within the household sphere. Domestic violence is usually influenced by several factors such as age, education level of the victim, area, place of incident, sex of the perpetrator, the nationality of the perpetrator, the type of relationship between the perpetrator and the victim, family income, and the number of children or dependents. The dense population of Indonesia causes many social problems in society, one of which is domestic violence. Research on domestic violence requires observations with large enough data so that researchers are interested in conducting an analysis using multinomial logistic regression. The data used in this study is secondary data obtained by the Riau Province Child and Women Empowerment Service. This study aims to obtain a general model and determine the indicators of the variables that have a significant effect on domestic violence. The results showed that the education level of the victim, the type of relationship between the perpetrator and the victim, and the number of children were significantly related to domestic violence. Based on the model fit test, the most appropriate model for data on domestic violence is Pearson