“…Currently, the 9aaTAD family comprises over 40 members including Gal4, Oaf1, Pip2, Pdr1, Pdr3, Leu3, Tea1, Pho4, Gln3, Gcn4, Msn2, Msn4, Rtg3, E2A, MLL, p53-TAD-I, p53-TAD-II, HNF4 / NHR-49, FOXO3, NF-kB, NFAT, CEBPA/E, ESX, ELF3, ETV1, KLF2/4, EBNA2, VP16, HSF1, HSF2, HsfA, Gli3, Sox18, PIF, Dreb2a, MTF1, OREB1, WRKY45, NS1, MKL1, TRP32, VP16, EBNA2, KBP220, ECapLL, P201, AH, and B42 transcription factors. We and others have shown that the activation domains 9aaTAD have competence to activate transcription as small peptides [32,33,36,66–80]. The activation domains 9aaTAD are annotated on protein database UniProt (http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/?query=9aatad&sort=score) and the 9aaTAD prediction service is available online (www.piskacek.org).…”