Tight linkage was excluded for 8 markers in 37 blood relatives from 3 families, 29 of whom had granular corneal dystrophy (Groenouw I). Inconclusive results were obtained for linkage with four marker loci. The highest positive LOD score was 0.57 for linkage between glutamic pyruvic transaminase and granular corneal dystrophy. Tight linkage was excluded for glyoxalase-1 in eight individuals from one family with Schnyder's crystalline corneal dystrophy. Results were inconclusive for another six markers. Positive LOD scores were obtained for linkage with adenylate-kinase 1 and the ABO blood group, with values of 1.16 and 0.67, respectively. Among six blood relatives with Reis-Bücklers' corneal dystrophy, the highest positive LOD score was 1.17 for linkage with mitochondrial malic enzyme. For another six markers informative for linkage analysis, the results were inconsistent.