$\varepsilon> 0$
be sufficiently small and let
$0 < \eta < 1/522$
. We show that if X is large enough in terms of
$\varepsilon $
, then for any squarefree integer
$q \leq X^{196/261-\varepsilon }$
that is
$X^{\eta }$
-smooth one can obtain an asymptotic formula with power-saving error term for the number of squarefree integers in an arithmetic progression
$a \pmod {q}$
, with
$(a,q) = 1$
. In the case of squarefree, smooth moduli this improves upon previous work of Nunes, in which
$196/261 = 0.75096\ldots $
was replaced by
$25/36 = 0.69\overline {4}$
. This also establishes a level of distribution for a positive density set of moduli that improves upon a result of Hooley. We show more generally that one can break the
-barrier for a density 1 set of
$X^{\eta }$
-smooth moduli q (without the squarefree condition).
Our proof appeals to the q-analogue of the van der Corput method of exponential sums, due to Heath-Brown, to reduce the task to estimating correlations of certain Kloosterman-type complete exponential sums modulo prime powers. In the prime case we obtain a power-saving bound via a cohomological treatment of these complete sums, while in the higher prime power case we establish savings of this kind using p-adic methods.