Structural variants (SVs) remain challenging to represent and study relative to point mutations despite their demonstrated importance. We show that variation graphs, as implemented in the vg toolkit, provide an e ective means for leveraging SV catalogs for short-read SV genotyping experiments. We benchmarked vg against state-of-the-art SV genotypers using three sequence-resolved SV catalogs generated by recent long-read sequencing studies. In addition, we use assemblies from 12 yeast strains to show that graphs constructed directly from aligned de novo assemblies improve genotyping compared to graphs built from intermediate SV catalogs in the VCF format.real Illumina reads and a pangenome built from SVs discovered in recent long-read sequencing studies [21,22,23,5], We also compared vg's performance with state-of-the-art SV genotypers: SVTyper[3], Delly Genotyper[4], BayesTyper[19], Paragraph[20] and . Across the datasets we tested, which range in size from 26k to 97k SVs, vg is the best performing SV genotyper on real short-read data for all SV types in the majority of cases. Finally, we demonstrate that a pangenome graph built from the alignment of de novo assemblies of diverse Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains improves SV genotyping performance.
Structural variation in vgWe used vg to implement a straightforward SV genotyping pipeline. Reads are mapped to the graph and used to compute the read support for each node and edge (see Supplementary Information for a description of the graph formalism). Sites of variation within the graph are then identi ed using the snarl decomposition as described in [24]. These sites correspond to intervals along the reference paths (ex. contigs or chromosomes) which are embedded in the graph. They also contain nodes and edges deviating from the reference path, which represent variation at the site. For each site, the two most supported paths spanning its interval (haplotypes) are determined, and their relative supports used to produce a genotype at that site (Figure 1a). The pipeline is described in detail in Methods. We rigorously evaluated the accuracy of our method on a variety of datasets, and present these results in the remainder of this section.