“…Additionally on top of this, also simultaneously for each of the classifiers, an arbitrary number of databases as supplied by the user. As of version 1.1.0, the following classifiers and profilers are available: Kraken2 (Wood, Lu, and Langmead 2019), Bracken (Lu et al 2017), KrakenUniq (F. P. Breitwieser, Baker, and Salzberg 2018), Centrifuge (Kim et al 2016), MALT (Vågene et al 2018), DIAMOND (Buchfink, Reuter, and Drost 2021), Kaiju (Menzel, Ng, and Krogh 2016), MetaPhlAn (Blanco-Míguez et al 2023), mOTUs (Ruscheweyh et al 2022), ganon (Piro et al 2020), and KMCP (Shen et al 2023). Databases are also supplied via a input TSV file, which also allows per-database custom classification parameters - meaning a given database can be supplied multiple times each with different parameters or multiple different databases per profiler.…”