Delineating the cell type-specific expression of hepatic tight junction genes showed that claudin-3 is the predominant tight junction protein on hepatocytes and cholangiocytes. In vivo study of claudin-3 knockout mice showed that claudin-3 is necessary to maintain lipid metabolism, biliarybarrier function, and optimal liver regeneration.BACKGROUND & AIMS: Tight junctions in the liver are essential to maintain the blood-biliary barrier, however, the functional contribution of individual tight junction proteins to barrier and metabolic homeostasis remains largely unexplored. Here, we describe the cell type-specific expression of tight junction genes in the murine liver, and explore the regulation and functional importance of the transmembrane protein claudin-3 in liver metabolism, barrier function, and cell proliferation.
METHODS:The cell type-specific expression of hepatic tight junction genes is described using our mouse liver single-cell sequencing data set. Differential gene expression in Cldn3 -/and Cldn3 þ/þ livers was assessed in young and aged mice by RNA sequencing (RNA-seq), and hepatic tissue was analyzed for lipid content and bile acid composition. A surgical model of partial hepatectomy was used to induce liver cell proliferation. RESULTS: Claudin-3 is a highly expressed tight junction protein found in the liver and is expressed predominantly in hepatocytes and cholangiocytes. The histology of Cldn3 -/livers showed no overt phenotype, and the canalicular tight junctions appeared intact. Nevertheless, by RNA-seq we detected a down-regulation of metabolic pathways in the livers of Cldn3 -/young and aged mice, as well as a decrease in lipid content and a weakened biliary barrier for primary bile acids, such as taurocholic acid, taurochenodeoxycholic acid, and taurine-conjugated muricholic acid. Coinciding with defects in the biliary barrier and lower lipid metabolism, there was a diminished hepatocyte proliferative response in Cldn3 -/mice after partial hepatectomy.
CONCLUSIONS:Our data show that, in the liver, claudin-3 is necessary to maintain metabolic homeostasis, retention of bile acids, and optimal hepatocyte proliferation during liver regeneration. The RNA-seq data set can be accessed Q8 at: https://¼GSE159914 (token: wrmhoaccjrgrjyz).