K The study presented here discusses rules and agreements in a preschool group from the viewpoint of the development of a community of learners. What kinds of rules and agreements exist in the preschool group, how they are articulated and how they are adopted at the beginning of the preschool year were the questions addressed in this small-scale ethnographie study. Three types of rules, often called agreements in preschools, were found in the group: conventional, moral and prudential rules. Conventional rules were mentioned and reJerred to most frequently, by both teachers and children~ The most typical way of articulating a rule was stating the rule or reminding others of it. Many rules referred to by teachers had to do with formal measures for maintaining group cohesion, thus directly contributing to the feeling of togetherness in the group and aiming at the development of a learners' community. However, .from the standpoint of adherence to rules and agreements only, the data suggested that during the first preschool term the group had not yet developed into a genuine community of learners. The children still had to learn that "everyone must have peace in which to play, learn and work"." in the target preschool the adoption of this rule was articulated as an important criterion for a true learners' community.
RESUME:Le present article porte sur les r~gles et les" contrats au sein d'un groupe de jeunes enfants du point de rue du d~veloppement d'une communaut( d'apprenants. Les questions posOes au cours de cette analyse ethnographique gt petite ~chelle Otaient les suivantes: quels types de r~gles et de contrats existe-t-il clans un groupe prOscolair¢ comment sont-ils pos~s et comment sont-ils adopt6s en d~but d'annOe? Trois types de r~gles, souvent appelOes "contrats pr~scolaires ", ont ~tO trouv6s: des rOgles concernant les conventions, la morale et la s~curitO. Les mentions et r~j{rences relatives aux conventions se sont av~r~es les plus JPOquentes, chez les enseignants comme chez les enfants. La mani~re la plus typique de poser une rg'gle est son affirmation ou son rappel ~ autrui. De nombreuses r~gles, chez les enseignants, touchent aux mesures formelles pour maintenir la cohOsion du groupe, qui contribuent directement au sentiment de "togetherness '" (sentiment d'appartenance, d'Otre ensemble) et visent le d~veloppement de la communaut~ des apprenants. Cependant, en ce qui concerne l "adoption de ces rbgles et contrats, les donn~es indiqent que, pendant le premier trimestre, le groupe d'en[ants n 'est pas une vOritable communaut~ d'apprenants. Les enfants doivent encore apprendre que a tout un chacun doit avoir la paix pour jouer, apprendre et travailler ~. clans le cas precis de notre service pr~;scolaire, l 'adoption de la r~,gle est pos{e comme un crit~,re important d 'une vOritable communautO d "apprenants. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG." In diesem Artikel wird eine kleine ethnografische Untersuchung vorgestellt, die die Regeln und Vereinbarungen einer Vorschulgruppe aus dem Blickwinkel der Entwickhmg der Lernenden zu...