Introduction: There is a continuous rise in the total number and percentage of elders globally, and as such, they are expected to utilize healthcare services more often. Therefore, this study aimed to determine doctors' and students' current knowledge and attitudes toward elders and compare those findings with other studies worldwide. The specific objectives of this study were to determine and compare the differences in attitudes between medical students and doctors regarding geriatrics. This comparison will focus on the following four key domains: social values, resource distribution, compassion, and medical care. Another objective was to assess the knowledge of medical students and doctors regarding geriatric topics. This assessment will help determine the necessity for interventions such as educational programs and workshops on geriatrics.
Methods: This cross-sectional questionnaire-based study was conducted by disseminating a Google Forms survey to medical students and doctors. The survey included the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Geriatrics Attitudes Scale and the UCLA Geriatrics Knowledge Test. Data was analyzed using SPSS version (Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.).
Results: A total number of 126 medical students and 72 doctors filled out the survey. Both medical students and doctors demonstrated moderate scores on the attitudes scale, with overall average scores of 2.92 out of 5 and 2.93 out of 5, respectively. As for knowledge, medical students achieved an average score of 41%, while doctors attained an average score of 43%.
Conclusion: This study provides significant insights regarding the knowledge and attitudes of students and doctors and attitudes towards geriatrics. The moderate attitudes score and poor knowledge score across both groups indicate the need for medical educators in Oman to further emphasize and teach about geriatrics in medical curricula.