Family planning programs are still considered to be an important way to control the rapid population growth of Bangladesh. In this context, a study has conducted to unveil the scenario of using contraception in slum area of Dhaka City. Sample survey has used as a main method of research in this study. The study found that the slum women are using different types of contraceptive like as pill, IUD, injection, condom, etc. As a result of these uses they also suffered different types of problems including weakness, increasing weight, vomiting, menstrual problems, etc. In this study, it also found that anemia, urine problem, labor pain are common problems faced by women during pregnancy. In this regard, malnutrition problems also compounded this situation. It is remarkable that hospital, clinic and huts are the place of birth of their children. Radio, television, newspaper and other mass media should come forward to encourage male participation and responsibility in contraceptive method choice. Appropriate policy should develop by considering the related factors to increase contraceptive knowledge among grass root level of Bangladesh.