DOI: 10.4103/2249-4863.161317
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Knowledge and practice of Accredited Social Health Activists for maternal healthcare delivery in Delhi

Abstract: Introduction:The role of community health workers in healthcare delivery system is considered inevitable to meet the goal of universal healthcare provision. The study was planned to assess the knowledge and practices for maternal health care delivery among Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) workers in North-East district of Delhi, India.Materials and Methods:A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in North-East district of Delhi among 55 ASHA workers after taking written informed consent. Data … Show more

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Cited by 48 publications
(58 citation statements)
References 6 publications
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“…[9] Mean education of ASHA workers found in this study 8.93 ± 2 was similar to Mahyavanshi et al study [13] which is sufficient enough for their proper learning and performance. Majority of ASHA's had knowledge about symptoms of DF, mode of transmission, breeding sites of mosquitoes, etc., similar results to the other studies whereas only 30.72% knew the danger signs of dengue which is very essential for early referral to hospital to prevent complications and deaths due to dengue, this aspect has been enhanced and given importance in guidelines for reporting of an outbreak of dengue [6,14] and these results indicate that this aspects needs to be stressed in their training program. [15,11] Although the study showed 143 (86.1%) practiced complete preventive measures, nearly 15% of the ASHA workers were lacking in that, hence there is need for reinforcement in the training sessions.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 76%
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“…[9] Mean education of ASHA workers found in this study 8.93 ± 2 was similar to Mahyavanshi et al study [13] which is sufficient enough for their proper learning and performance. Majority of ASHA's had knowledge about symptoms of DF, mode of transmission, breeding sites of mosquitoes, etc., similar results to the other studies whereas only 30.72% knew the danger signs of dengue which is very essential for early referral to hospital to prevent complications and deaths due to dengue, this aspect has been enhanced and given importance in guidelines for reporting of an outbreak of dengue [6,14] and these results indicate that this aspects needs to be stressed in their training program. [15,11] Although the study showed 143 (86.1%) practiced complete preventive measures, nearly 15% of the ASHA workers were lacking in that, hence there is need for reinforcement in the training sessions.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 76%
“…[15,11] Although the study showed 143 (86.1%) practiced complete preventive measures, nearly 15% of the ASHA workers were lacking in that, hence there is need for reinforcement in the training sessions. [15,14] One of the important factor influenced was about one-fourth of the workers complained that there was lack of community participation in implementation of control measures. Similar observation was noticed Malhotra and Kaur study, [4] Kohli et al study in Delhi, [10] and Sreedevi et al study in Karnool.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…2 In low performing states ASHAS (Accredited Social Health Activists) in addition to ANMs (Auxiliary Nurse Midwife) were involved in ensuring optimal antenatal care. 3 Pregnancy is still not considered as a high risk situation and the women presents infrequently to the health checkups. 4 awareness about complications of pregnancy was found to be associated with pregnancy care seeking.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In addition, shortage of staffs at health center, lack of transportation facility and lack of money for emergency services were the problems reported by ASHAs in Delhi [18] Descriptive study…”
confidence: 99%