The partograph is a cost-effective tool used to monitor maternal and fetal conditions during labor. It plays a crucial role in facilitating prompt and appropriate intervention in the event of abnormal labor. Effective and timely detection of abnormal labor progression and proactive measures to prevent prolonged labor is crucial in mitigating the potential risks associated with postnatal hemorrhage, sepsis, obstructed labor, uterine rupture, and its subsequent complications. This study aims to conduct a comprehensive review to assess the level of knowledge, practice, and attitude related to the utilization of partographs among healthcare providers in the labor room of healthcare facilities. Systematic reviews of articles were collected from online databases to analyze the utilization of a partograph for labor management among healthcare providers in healthcare facilities in India. A total of 21 articles were selected to examine the outcomes of partograph utilization. The articles included healthcare facilities in 15 Indian states. The majority of the study participants were nurses and midwives. Most of the healthcare providers showed average or inadequate knowledge, while some demonstrated good knowledge about the partograph. Most articles concluded that there was inadequate practice and accuracy in completing the partograph. This inadequacy is observed across various designations of healthcare providers. This review found that the major challenges for healthcare providers include the unavailability of partographs, a shortage of healthcare providers, insufficient knowledge and competence, and limited training opportunities. Partograph training led to improvements in knowledge, tool utilization, and attitudes, as shown by significant differences in post-assessment outcomes. Improvement of healthcare in India necessitates strengthening partograph provision, ensuring adequate human resources, and providing regular training to healthcare providers. These interventions will serve to bridge the current gaps in partograph utilization in the country.