140pressure ulcer (PU) is significant problem in the healthcare services. 1,2 The development of PU can cause both prolonged hospital stay and more important costs for the healthcare system. 3,4 PU leads to complications for patients, with an increase in morbidity and mortality rates. [3][4][5] A AB BS S T TR RA AC CT T O Ob bj je ec ct ti iv ve e: : This study focused on assessing the knowledge and attitudes of nurses towards pressure ulcer (PU) prevention in intensive care units. M Ma at te er ri ia al l a an nd d M Me et th ho od ds s: : A cross sectional study was performed in eight intensive care units. 81 out of 95 nurses completed the questionnaire. The response rate of those who completed the questionnaire was 85.3%. As the data collection form of the study, "nurse information tool", "tool for PU information" and "attitude toward PU tool (APuP)" were used. The participating nurses were fully informed by the researcher about the purpose and method of the study and were asked to complete the tools. R Re es su ul lt ts s: : Approximately half of the nurses (48.1%) in intensive care units about knowledge of prevention of pressure ulcer is inadequate. Moreover, only in less than a quarter (21%) of the nurses have an attitude scores of equal to or greater than 75%. A significant negative correlation existed between knowledge levels and attitudes of nurses to prevent pressure ulcer (p<0.05). In other words, the positive attitudes of nurses decrease, as the level of knowledge to prevent pressure ulcer increases. C Co on nc cl lu us si io on n: : In conclusion, nurses' knowledge on prevention of pressure ulcer in intensive care units is inadequate. This study also explored that only in less than a quarter of the nurses' attitudes towards pressure ulcer prevention is positive. As the knowledge level of the nurses increases, the decrease in their positive attitudes is also thought provoking. In this study, it is thought that the individual differences of nurses are more effective on positive attitude than knowledge. Strategic plans (regular individual training, prevention policies and management, etc.) are necessary to improve both knowledge and positive attitude towards prevention of pressure ulcer. K Ke ey yw wo or rd ds s: : Pressure ulcer; prevention; knowledge; attitude; nursing Ö ÖZ ZE ET T A Am ma aç ç: : Araştırma, basınç yarasının önlenmesine ilişkin yoğun bakımda çalışan hemşirelerin bilgi ve tutumlarını incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. G Ge er re eç ç v ve e Y Yö ön nt te em ml le er r: : Araştırma, bir üniversite hastanesinin sekiz yoğun bakım ünitesinde kesitsel olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yoğun bakım ünitelerinde toplam 95 hemşire görev yapmaktadır ve bu hemşirelerin 81'i (%85,3) araştırmaya katılmayı kabul ederek anketleri tamamlamıştır. Araştırmada veri toplama formu olarak, "hemşire bilgi formu", "basınç yarasına yönelik bilgi formu" ve "basınç yarasını önlemeye yönelik tutum ölçeği" kullanılmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan bütün hemşirelere araştırmanın amacı ve yöntemi açıklanmıştır. B Bu ul lg gu ul...