Back Ground: Pre-hospital care is an emergency medical care which is given to patients before arrival in hospital after activation of emergency medical services which is acknowledged as a crucial period, when irreversible pathology and secondary injury can be prevented. The aim of EMS focuses on providing timely care to victims of sudden and life-threatening injuries or emergencies in order to prevent needless mortality or long-term morbidity.
Objective: To assess Knowledge, Attitudes and Associated Factors of pre-hospital care Among Health Care Workers in Three Selected pre hospital care Center in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2022.
Methods: institutional based cross sectional study design was conducted among HCW. The target population was HCW working at the pre-hospital care at three selected center Addis Ababa. The researcher was used questionnaire which is adopted from previous similar study. A questionnaire was distributed to consenting HCW for completion. Data was checked, cleared and entered in to SPSS version 25, then frequencies, distribution, mean computed and analysis were done to obtain the significant association by p=.25 at bivariate level then executed to multivariate logistic regression at p value 0.05.
Result: One hundred thirty five study participants were included in this study with a response rate of 96.4%. The mean ages of the respondents were 29.2 years (SD ± 4.86). Almost three fourth of the study participants 96(71.1%) were in age between 26 and 35 years. Majority of the study participants 126(93.3%) responds that they knew about basic life support/advanced life support. 79(58.5 %) of the health care workers had good knowledge and 56(41.5%) had poor knowledge about pre-hospital care.
Conclusion and recommendation: More than half of (58.5 %) of the health care workers had good knowledge about pre-hospital care and more than a half, eighty four (62.2%) had positive attitude towards pre-hospital care. Profession, educational status and training were significantly associated with knowledge of health care workers to wards pre-hospital care with p-value less than 0.05. Knowledge of the respondent and getting training were significantly associated attitude of health care workers towards pre-hospital care with p-value less than 0.05