The purpose of photography in violent death autopsies is to document the material evidence of the offense and guide decisions in the courts of law. The aim of the present study was to obtain the expectations of legal operators and forensic experts regarding what is expected as adequate photographic documentation in violent death forensics. For this purpose, a survey was prepared through an online form available on the “Google Forms” platform, whose link was sent by e-mail and by the WhatsApp Messenger® application. The 102 participants were divided into two distinct groups: legal practitioners, interested in the materialization of evidence (judges, prosecutors, criminal lawyers and police chiefs), and forensic experts, responsible for materializing the evidence (medical examiners, forensic dentists and criminal experts). The research showed that the inclusion of color photographs in the expert reports is essential for all research participants, as well as the marking of evidence in the images and the inclusion of explanatory text in the captions. It was also pointed out as fundamental for most participants to insert an image with simulation of the firearm bullets’ path, when applicable. In relation to the other aspects, it can be observed that the opinions of the participants were divergent between the groups of research professionals, especially regarding the size of the image to be incorporated in the reports. The differences found between the groups can be detrimental to the proper interpretation and judgment of evidence in the courts. Considering the found barriers, the authors suggest a form of photographic documentation that meets all expectations in a consensual way.