carbonated drinks consist of water, carbon dioxide, color, additives, and preservatives. In a tropical country like India, which has torrid summers, there is substantial market for aerated soft drinks. The per capita consumption of carbonated drinks in India is about 4 bottles per year, which is less compared to the other developing countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, and extremely less compared to USA where it is 350 bottles. [2] Scientific studies have shown how as few as one or two soft drinks a day can increase one's risk for numerous health problems. Some of these health problems are obesity, diabetes, tooth decay, osteoporosis, nutritional deficiencies, heart disease, and many neurological disorders. [3,4] Hence, the present study has been undertaken to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of youngsters regarding health hazards of excess carbonated drinks consumption. Aims and objectives of the study were to evaluate KAP regarding consumption of carbonated drinks among medical students. Background: These days youngsters are consuming more carbonated drinks, which contains high sugar and associated with various adverse health effects. Objective: To study knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) regarding consumption of carbonated drinks among medical students. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out to access the KAP of medical students about carbonated drinks. All medical students studying in C.U. Shah Medical College and Hospital situated in Surendranagar, Gujarat were included in the study. Self-structured pretested questionnaire was used for collection of data. Out of 500 students 354 students participated for the study. Result: Out of all students, 282(79.66%) students revealed that they had started carbonated drinks at <15 years of age. Majority of students believed obesity (26.27%) as side effect associated with consumption of carbonated drinks followed by dental carries (20.06%) and bone decay (11.02%). Among all students 352 (99.44%) students having no knowledge about pesticides and 198 (56%) students experienced ill effects due to carbonated drinks. Conclusion: To encounter the problems which are caused by consumption of carbonated drinks, focus on various aspects of primary prevention like Health education has to be done.