Problem-solving capacity is continuously gathering prominence in the Engineering education programmes of most institutions of higher learning. Embracing problem-based learning is necessary for Electrical Engineering lecturers in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) so as to shift from teacher-centred to student-centred teaching approaches which engage students in the learning process. Despite this, research on the use of problembased learning in TVET contexts by Electrical Engineering lecturers is limited. In this study, we conducted a scoping review to identify those key components which are necessary for the effective implementation of problem-based learning in a TVET Electrical Engineering programme. Our findings indicated that the problem, the facilitator and the students are the three components noted as essential constituents that are vital to the effective implementation of a problem-based learning strategy in TVET Electrical Engineering programmes. Our findings stress that, in addition to the three components, the type and nature of the problem, including the philosophy of the subject or the programme, need to be considered before inculcating problem-solving capabilities in TVET Electrical Engineering lecturers.