It is essential for universities to accredit their programs to be recognized locally and globally and to maintain the quality and credibility of educational programs. For programs to become accredited, they must meet predefined quality standards for the intended accreditation institution. These quality standards are applied to program courses, and each course covers some requirements from the accreditation requirements, such as Student and Course Learning Outcomes, based on their specific accreditation commission. As programs and courses are added frequently at university programs, information about accreditation mapped to each course syllabus and program description is becoming more complicated. It must be maintained automatically since program accreditation must be renewed on a regular basis to guarantee the program's quality. In addition, supporting Curriculum Designers in finding gaps and imbalances in the proposed programs and courses is becoming necessary to alleviate the management of accreditation related tasks. In this paper, we propose a knowledge graph-based system that supports the development of balanced educational programs and helps detecting gaps and redundancies within the same university programs. The system provides an attractive graphical user interface that visualizes the curriculum components and accreditation requirements as interactive graphs. The system has been implemented using the graph database Neo4j and the results are analyzed using the Cypher query language