For many years, macroeconomic research used to focus on the industrial sector, whose productivity was considered to be a cornerstone of economic development. Along with a growing share of services in the economy, the sector's competitiveness was becoming increasingly important. That said, it should be noted that services are one of those economic activities that undergo the most profound transforma-tions, linked to the introduction of innovations. While the increasing expansion of the service sector is seen to unfold with economic development, it is not only the development of the sector as a whole that plays a key role from the perspective of the competitiveness of the economy but also, and above all, the growth dynamics of certain types of services. One of the most dynamic segments of this sector con-sists of knowledge-intensive services, where knowledge is both the main factor of production and the essential good offered to customers. Among knowledge-inten-sive services, business services are a specific group engaging high-quality labor resources, while supporting the development of other industries in the manufac-turing and service sectors.