Although screening and brief intervention (SBI) for unhealthy alcohol use has
demonstrated efficacy in some trials, its implementation has been limited.
Technology-delivered approaches are a promising alternative, particularly during
pregnancy when the importance of alcohol use is amplified. The present trial evaluated
the feasibility and acceptability of an interactive, empathic, video-enhanced, and
computer-delivered SBI (e-SBI) plus three separate tailored mailings, and estimated
intervention effects.
We recruited 48 pregnant women who screened positive for alcohol risk at an
urban prenatal care clinic. Participants were randomly assigned to the e-SBI plus
mailings or to a control session on infant nutrition, and were reevaluated during their
postpartum hospitalization. The primary outcome was 90-day period-prevalence abstinence
as measured by timeline follow-back interview.
Participants rated the intervention as easy to use and helpful (4.7-5.0 on a
5-point scale). Blinded follow-up evaluation at childbirth revealed medium-size
intervention effects on 90-day period prevalence abstinence (OR = 3.4); similarly,
intervention effects on a combined healthy pregnancy outcome variable (live birth,
normal birthweight, and no NICU stay) were also of moderate magnitude in favor of e-SBI
participants (OR=3.3). As expected in this intentionally under-powered pilot trial,
these effects were non-significant (p = .19 and .09, respectively).
This pilot trial demonstrated the acceptability and preliminary efficacy of a
computer-delivered screening and brief intervention (e-SBI) plus tailored mailings for
alcohol use in pregnancy. These findings mirror the promising results of other trials
using a similar approach, and should be confirmed in a fully-powered trial.