process), they can interact with other parties interested in the same Web sites as they themselves 2 , they can perform calculations, to name a few.This paper introduces a generic architecture for a design agent that can be integrated in a Web-based distributed design environment. This architecture is based on the Generic Agent Model GAM introduced in 3 and the Generic Design Model GDM described in 4 . Both of these models have been devised on the basis of experience, and tested in a number of different domains: applications of GAM can be found, for example, in 5-7 ; applications of GDM can be found, for example, in 8,9 . To tune a generic model to a specific domain of application, more refined knowledge is needed: both more specific knowledge of the task at hand (by specialisation), and more specific factual knowledge of the domain (by instantiation). For example, domain-specific knowledge is needed to derive whether a given design object description satisfies given properties (e.g., requirements), and knowledge that can be used to derive how to refine requirements into more specific requirements.The architecture for the design agent has been modelled using the compositional development method for multi-agent systems DESIRE 5 . This compositional development method is briefly introduced in Section 1. The generic agent model employed is described in Section 2. The generic model of design 4 employed, in which strategic reasoning and dynamic management of requirements are explicitly modelled, is described in Section 3. The integration of the two models is discussed in Section 4. Although both the Generic Agent Model GAM and the Generic Design Model GDM have been tested in different application domains, the architecture for a generic design agent described in this paper as yet has only been tested in the application domain of automated design of Internet agents. Therefore this application domain is used to illustrate the applicability of the proposed approach. The specific design agent for this application is described in Section 5. Section 6 compares the generic agent model GAM and the generic design model GDM to other agent and design models. Section 7 discusses the results and sketches a perspective of the use of the design agent architecture in Web-based environments for Electronic Commerce applications: a current focus of research.
Compositional design of agentsThe design agent described in this paper has been developed using the compositional development method DESIRE for multi-agent systems (Design and Specification of Interacting Reasoning components; cf. 5 ). Within this method, knowledge of the following three types is distinguished:
441Compositional design of a generic design agent ț process composition; ț knowledge composition; and ț the relation between process composition and knowledge composition.The development of a multi-agent system is supported by graphical design tools. Translation to an operational system is straightforward; in addition to the graphical design tools, the software environment ...