Ab s t r a c t. The subject of the article's research is the model and technology of information support for the medical diagnostic and treatment center (MDTC). The goal is to reduce costs and the time to organize the work a medical diagnostic and treatment center by applying and developed models and an information system. The following problems were solved in the paper: to conduct an analytical review of existing integrated medical information systems; to develop a model for the functioning of the MDTC; to develop software for the subsystem of information support for the MDTC functioning, including the local drug formulary. Methods of the theory of algorithms, automaton models and technologies for software applications development were used to solve these problems. The following results were obtained. Existing medical systems that allow automating the business processes of medical institutions are analyzed, their advantages and disadvantages are designated. The functional subsystems of the MDTC that automate the functions of the departments of a medical institution are designated. Automation models and expressions of the algebra of relationships have been obtained for the main departments of the MDTC, that allow to present in a formalized form the process of a medical institution functioning. The model of the functioning of the MDTC is formed on the basis of the theory of automate and an expression of the algebra of relations is obtained that describes in a formalized form the work of the medical center. The structure of the software system for information support of the MDTC is proposed. The navigation system of the web-resource of MDTC was developed. A use-case diagram was developed showing the functionality of the main categories of users. Conclusions: the information support of the MDTC will reduce the time for patient care due to the organized sequence of actions of department staff and reduce the risk of errors in diagnosis due to mathematical and statistical processing of the results of the diagnostics. A drug formulary was developed, which allows the patient to receive recommendations on the use of drugs based on the entered search parameters. K e ywor d s : medical diagnostic and treatment center; automation models; algebra of algorithms; information support system; use case diagram; web resource; drug formulary.