For a weighted homogeneous polynomial and a choice of a diagonal symmetry group, we define a new Fukaya category based on the wrapped Fukaya category of its Milnor fiber together with monodromy information. It is analogous to the variation operator in singularity theory. As an application, we formulate a full version of Berglund-Hübsch homological mirror symmetry and prove it for the case of two variables. Namely, given one of the polynomials W = x p + y q , x p + x y q , x p y + x y q and a symmetry group G, we use Floer theoretic construction to obtain the transpose polynomial W T with the transpose symmetry group G T as well as derived equivalence between the new Fukaya category of (W,G) and the matrix factorization category of (W T ,G T ). In this case, monodromy corresponds to the restriction of LG model to a hypersurface in the mirror. For ADE singularities, Auslander-Reiten quivers for indecomposable matrix factorizations were known from 80's, and we find the corresponding Lagrangians as well as surgery exact triangles. CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1 2. Quantum cap action and the new A ∞ -category 8 3. Mirror counterpart: Hypersurface restriction 16 4. A ∞ -category for a weighted homogeneous polynomial with a symmetry group 20 5. Invertible singularities and Berglund-Hübsch conjecture 27 6. Equivariant topology of Milnor fibers for invertible curve singularities 29 7. Floer theory for Milnor fiber quotients and localized mirror functor 36 8. Homological mirror symmetry for Milnor fibers (without monodromy action) 41 9. Berglund-Hübsch homological mirror symmetry for invertible curve singularities 49 10. Relation to Auslander-Reiten theory of Cohen-Macaulay modules 60 Appendix A. Moduli space of pseudo-holomorphic curves and perturbations 78 Appendix B. Compactifications of popsicle moduli spaces 82 Appendix C. Determination of Auslander-Reiten sequence 85 References 87