<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This study aims to describe and explain the means of cohesion in the formation of the wholeness of discourse in a collection of love poems by Kahlil Gibran entitled "Melancholocic Gibran Works by Soul-Raising Syahdu". The approach used in this study uses a qualitative descriptive approach and this type of research uses the type of discourse analysis research. The data in this research are in the form of excerpts from poetry that can describe cohesion and coherence in a collection of love poems by Kahlil Gibran. The data source of this research is a collection of love poems by Kahlil Gibran entitled "Melancholocic Gibran Works by Soul-Saving Souls". The results of this research are grammatical cohesion tools used by a collection of love poems by Kahlil Gibran entitled "Melancholocic Gibran by Soul-Enhancing Syahdu Works" are exophoric references, anaphoric references, wordfora references, nominal substitution, elliptical clauses, additive and conjunctive coordinating conjunctions, are exophoric references, anaphoric references, wordaphoric references, nominal substitution, elliptical clauses, additive and conjunctive coordinating conjunctions, are exophoric references, anaphoric references, wordaphoric references, nominal substitution, elliptical clauses, additive and conjunctive coordinating conjunctions. resistance, attribute subordinative conjunction, and subordinative conjunction time.</p><strong>Abstrak: </strong>Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan sarana kohesi dalam pembentukan keutuhan wacana pada kumpulan puisi cinta karya Kahlil Gibran yang berjudul “<em>Melancholocic Gibran Karya-karya Syahdu Penggugah Jiwa</em>”. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dan jenis penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian analisis wacana. Data dalam penelitan ini berupa kutipan larik puisi yang bisa menggambarkan kohesi dan koherensi dalam kumpulan puisi cinta karya Kahlil Gibran. Sumber data penelitian ini ialah kumpulan puisi cinta karya Kahlil Gibran yang berjudul “<em>Melancholocic Gibran Karya-karya Syahdu Penggugah Jiwa</em>”. Hasil dari penelitan ini sarana kohesi gramatikal yang digunakan kumpulan puisi cinta karya Kahlil Gibran yang berjudul “<em>Melancholocic Gibran Karya-karya Syahdu Penggugah Jiwa</em>” adalah referensi eksofora, referensi anafora, referensi katafora, substitusi nomina, elipsis klausa, konjungsi koordinatif penambahan <em>dan, </em>konjungsi koordinatif perlawanan, konjungsi subordinatif atributit, dan konjungsi subordinatif waktu.