This research aims to scrutinize the efficacy of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights by realizing a critical analysis of the impact of its decisions as well as identifying variables that have influence on the normative concretization regarding a regional framework. Its empirical basis is constituted by decisions both concerning the carcerary system and ordaining non repetition measures. Conceptually, it is suggested that efficacy is the result of a Normative Concretization Chain that has five overlapped layers: Observance of, Adjudication, Forcibility, Enforcement and Adequacy. It considers the Inter-American System of Human Rights through the perspective of entangled hierarchies, recognizing its different regimes and the necessity to foster the use of a transversal reason among the different legal orders. Lastly, this research essays for a better understanding of the Law and its realization, attempting to boost the efficacy of norms which make part of the regional normative architecture of Human Rights and to be a factor in the improvement of the Inter-American System of Human Rights.