The purpose of this study is to report on complications experienced after 600 performed mediastinoscopies. Mediastinoscopy was indicated because of: 1. Suspicion of bronchial cancer: n = 292 (48.7%) ( = 48 (8%), d = 244 (40.7%), Suspicion of systemic disease: n = 248 (41.3%), Suspicion of mediastinal tumor: n = 33 (5.5%), Suspicion of metastases in lymph nodes caused by tumors of a different localisation, pleural process of unknown origin n = 27 (4.5%). Complications occurred in 3.7% of all cases; the most frequent of which were haemorrhage in 0.67% as well as paresis of the recurrent nerve in 1% which remained permanent in 0.33%. Furthermore, pneumothorax occurred in 0.8% of the cases, but had to be drained in one case only. Severe complications (eg death, bleeding, irreparable paresis of the recurrent nerve) occurred in 1.2% of all cases. We wish to mention a temporary elevation of the diaphragm on the right side, which can be looked upon as a complication rarely described in literature. We noted this in 1% of all cases and ascribe it to an irritation of the phrenic nerve.During the last two decades collar mediastinoscopy according to Carlens (1) developed into a superior bioptic procedure for evaluating the lymph nodes of the mediastinal zone (2-5). Indications, technique and efficiency of this method are well known in literature (6-16). Less attention has been paid to its side effects and complications (17-20) which form the basis of our report.
Material and methodsThe following study presents the analysis of complications subsequent to 600 consecutively performed mediastinoscopies. Indications for mediastinoscopy were: Endoscopy 1 (1979) 9-12 Komplikationen bei der Mediastinoskopie Es wird über Komplikationen nach 600 konsekutiv durchgeführten Mediastinoskopien berichtet. Die Indikationen zu dieser Untersuchung vvaren: 1. Verdacht auf Bronchial-Ca: n = 292 (48,7%) ( = 48 (8%), c3' 244 (40,7%), 2. Verdacht auf Systemerkrankung: n = 248 (41,3%), 3. Verdacht auf Mediastinaltumor: n = 33 (5,5%), 4. Verdacht auf Lymphknotenmetastasen von Tumoren anderer Lokalisation, unklarer Pleuraprozeß: n = 27 (4,5%). Bei insgesamt 3,7% der Fälle traten Komplikationen auf. Die häufigsten Komplikationen waren die Blutung mit 0,67% sowie die Recurrensparese mit 1%, die in 0,33% bleibend war. Weiterhin trat in 0,8% ein Pneumothorax auf, der jedoch nur in einem Fall drainiert werden mußte. Schwere Komplikationen (Todesfall, Blutung, irreparable Recurrensparese) traten insgesamt in 1,2% auf. Es wird auf den rechtsseitigen, voriibergehenden Zwerchfellhochstand hingewiesen, eine in der Literatur ganz selten beschriebene Komplikation. Wir beobachten ihn in 1% der Falle und fiihren diese Komplikation auf eine Irritation des Nervus phrenicus zurück.