From 1993 to 2001, 64 partial midcarpal arthrodeses with excision of the scaphoid were performed in 62 patients. 26 of the patients operated up to 1999 were followed up for 27 months and evaluated with the Cooney Score and the DASH Score. The Cooney Score significantly improved, from 46 points preoperatively to 76 points postoperatively. Postoperative DASH Score was 22. Postoperative range of motion, 64 degrees extension/flexion, had hardly changed compared with the preoperative value. Strength increased from 24 to 34 kg on average. Out of the 55 patients available for follow-up (29 interviewed by telephone) 35 were completely satisfied, 13 satisfied with reservations, and seven dissatisfied. 24 patients had no activity-related pain. Different degrees of activity related pain were reported by 28 patients, and pain during minor activities or at rest was reported by three patients.