This study aims to analyse siyasah syar'iyah towards the Sumenep Districtgovernment policy in accelerating halal certification in UMKM. This studyexamines the legal and ethical basis of Islam which focuses on the principles ofsiyasah syar'iyah related to public affairs and social justice. This researchmethodology uses qualitative methods by conducting document analysis andinterviews with policy makers and UMKM actors involved in the certificationprocess. The results of the analysis show that the Sumenep Regency governmenthas taken steps in accordance with the principles of siyasah syar'iyah such astransparency, justice and sustainability. However, the implementation of this policyhas several challenges such as limited human and financial resources and lack ofunderstanding and awareness of the importance of halal certification by UMKM.Therefore, it is recommended that the Sumenep Regency government continue toimprove by socializing and mentoring UMKM business actors, as well asstrengthening cooperation with agencies or institutions supporting halalcertification. This research contributes to understanding the implementation ofsiyasah syar'iyah in the context of local level economic policies, as well as providingrecommendations to the government and other stakeholders in the process ofaccelerating halal certification for UMKM effectively and sustainably.Keywords: Siyasah Shar'iyah, Halal Certification, Sumenep Regency