Highlights* Earthquake resistant design of retaining walls * Turkish Building Earthquake Code 2018 * The effective parameters of geotechnical design of retaining walls
AimIn this study, the effects of the soil properties on the geotechnical design of reinforced concrete retaining walls are investigated depending on the conducted parametrical analysis based on the Turkish Building Earthquake Code 2018. The dimensions obtained from the dynamic analysis were also compared with the retaining wall preliminary design limits accepted in the literature.
Location Turkey
MethodsThe effects of the soil properties on the geotechnical design of reinforced concrete retaining walls are investigated by conducted parametric analysis depending on Turkish Building Earthquake Code 2018.
ResultsComparative charts are obtained to show the effects of the change of the soil shear strength angle, the soil unit weight, the excavation depth and the amount of external surcharge load on the sizing of the wall system with respect to Turkish Building Earthquake Code 2018.