“…Let mpBs and mp,, be the polymer masses of the considered P-mer in the sol and the gel, respectively, cp,s and cP,, the corresponding concentrations, u(P) = (dz/dt), the elution rate of the transported P-mer along the z-axis of the vertical column, and 6 the mean over-all linear rate of the column liquid; then a trivial integration of the thermodynamically and hydrodynamically defined retention coefficient of the P-mer in the column gives the equation of the PDC-column in a reversible thermodynamic equilibrium, if u(P) is constant to z and t: V ( P ) = V, 1 + -K ( P ) [ rL (3) In Eq. (3) V(P) is the elution volume of the P-mer measured at the elution time tE (P) and the position z = L of the thermostated column, V ( P ) = q li tE(P) (4) Vo the zero-volume (Eq. (1)) of this column, Vs and VG the volume of the sol and the gel, respectively, and the quantity K ( P ) = cp,g/cp,s = exp M T ) + el (T)P"(?…”