“…Constructions scrutinized so far include turn-taking (Selting 2005), lexical categories with discourse function, such as discourse particles (Fischer 2006, Alm 2007, modal particles (Alm 2007;Imo 2008), discourse markers (Imo 2012), and adverbs (Imo 2010a) as well as clause-level constructions, such as garden-path sentences (Imo 2011a, b), verb-first constructions (Auer/ Lindström 2011), relative-clause constructions (Birkner 2008a) and pseudo-cleft constructions (Günthner 2006a). In addition, a number of studies focus on particular verbs (Imo 2007a;Deppermann/ Elstermann 2008;Goschler/Stefanowitsch 2010;Deppermann 2011c) and phenomena specific to spoken discourse, including increments (Auer 2006b, Imo 2011b, interjections (Imo 2009;Reber/Couper-Kuhlen 2010), von-x-her constructions (Bücker 2014), so constructions (Auer 2006b, Imo 2011b, quotative constructions , idiomatic constructions (Birkner 2008b), and verbal humor (Brône 2008(Brône , 2010. (e) Syntactic structures in language acquisition.…”