An approxhnate procedure is described for the theoretical calculation of the spectral absorption coefficient produced by bound-free and free-free transitions in plaslllas containing polyelectronic atollls and ions. Our lllethod of calculation is based on the assulllption that only two ionized species lllake illlportant contributions to the opacity and that these two ionic constituents are present in equal concentrations. The approxilllate forlllulas are shown to yield results that are in good accord with estilllates based on detailed numerical cOlllputations for nitrogen.
In trod uctionA PPROXIMATE expressions for the Rosseland and Planck mean free paths associated with the continuum radiation in ionized plasmas have been derived by Menzel and Pekeris 1 and by Pappert and Penner.2 The last named authors followed a procedure described by Raizer.
• 4The method of calculation introduced by Raizer 3 • 4 and used by Pappert and Penner 2 differs from that employed in the earlier work of Menzel and Pekeris 1 by including only two representative m times ionized atoms instead of approximating the sum over the ions by an integral. The physical reasons for the use of this approximation may be made plausible by referring to the schematic diagram shown in Fig. 1 where the concentration of m ions (i. e., of m times ionized atoms) is shown as a function of temperature. We note that there will be temperatures Tat which the plasma composition is well described by the presence of two ionic constituents that are present in equal concentration. Since all physical observables are expected to vary continuously with temperature, we expect that the use of the assumption that only two m ions are present in equal concentrations for all values of T must lead to a good prediction of electron concentration at all temperatures. The use of this idea, together with the introduction of several supplementary simplifications due to Raizer, has previously2 been shown to lead to results that agree, within about a factor of 2, with the best available numerical 5 computations for Rosseland and Planck mean free paths. On the other hand, it is known 8 that the errors introduced by neglecting line radiation are of the same magnitude as, or larger than, the previously noted discrepancies resulting from the use of highly simplified computational procedures, particularly at elevated temperatures and low densities. For this reason, it appears justified to avoid the labor involved in obtaining a complete solution to the Saha equation and to utilize again the approximation of two m ions present in equal concentrations. We shall then show that the resulting estimates for the spectral absorption coefficients of nitrogen also agree, well within a factor of 2 over most of the frequency range, with the best available numerical computations.t
II. Theoretical ConsiderationsIn the following discussion we shall deviate from the analysis of Pappert and Penner 2 by considering the corrections required through proper introduction of statistical weight factors, which we...