“…Let k be an algebraic closure of k, and assume that the characteristic of k is strictly bigger than the Coxeter number of G. Then the formula of Proposition 4.18 is related to Donkin's tensor product theorem for tilting modules of the Langlands dual k-group G ∨ k as follows. In [RW,AR2,AMRW] the authors construct a "degrading functor" η : Parity IW (Fl • , k) → Tilt prin (G ∨ k ), where Fl • is the connected component of the base point in Fl, Parity IW (Fl • , k) is the category of (I + u , χ * I + (L k ψ ))-equivariant parity complexes on Fl • , and Tilt prin (G ∨ k ) denotes the category of tilting objects in the (non-extended) principal block of the category of finite-dimensional G ∨ k -modules. We expect that Donkin's tensor product theorem (see [Ja,§E.9]) can be explained geometrically by an isomorphism of complexes involving the functor Z .…”