Let A = i∈ N A i be a Koszul algebra over a field K = A 0 , and * mod A the category of finitely generated graded left A-modules. The linearity defect ld A (M) of M ∈ * mod A is an invariant defined by Herzog and Iyengar. An exterior algebra E is a Koszul algebra which is the Koszul dual of a polynomial ring. Eisenbud et al. showed that ld E (M) < ∞ for all M ∈ * mod E. Improving this, we show that the Koszul dual A ! of a Koszul commutative algebra A satisfies the following.• If E = y 1 , . . . , y n is an exterior algebra, then ld E (M) ≤ c n! 2 (n−1)! for M ∈ * mod E with c := max{ dim K M i | i ∈ Z }.