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AFRL-SR-AR-TR-07-O061Approved for Public Release; distribution is unlimited.
ABSTRACTThis research program explored time-resolved dynamics of molecular systems by femtosecond photoelectron spectroscopy using high order harmonics. Ultrafast soft x-ray laser pump/probe studies revealed changes in binding relations and atomic core level shifts in the molecules during chemical rearrangements by detecting the changes in photoelectron energies as a function of internuclear separation in dissociative states in real time.Harmonic pulses with photon energies up to 100 eV and femtosecond time resolution were produced with excellent efficiency and pulse-to-pulse stability.Valence and core photoelectron spectra were obtained on neutral atoms and molecules.Phase manipulation of high order harmonics was achieved.Photoelectron spectra and photoionization mass spectra of gas phase ionic liquids were obtained. Two color excitation spectra of bromine molecules were investigated, as well as Rydberg wave packet photoelectron angular distributions.Pump/probe experiments on the photodissociation of metal carbonyls, halogens, and aluminum halides were also under investigation. Executive Summary This research program explores the time-resolved reaction and fragmentation dynamics of diatomic and polyatomic molecules using femtosecond valence and core level photoelectron spectroscopy."' The chemical shifts in the electron energies provide direct information about the changes in electron orbital configurations as a function of internuclear separation in dissociative states of these molecules. Ultrafast soft x-ray laser pump/probe experiments take advantage of the femtosecond time resolution capability of a novel high order harmonic x-ray source by detecting time resolved valence electrons and atomic core level shifts in excited species as well as changes in the photo-ion mass distribution during chemical rearrangements. The experiments probe time-resolved valence (PES) and core level (XPS) spectroscopies on excited states and during photofragmentation of simple diatomics, metal halogen, and carbonyl species, as well as intramolecular processes in polyatomic molecules. The apparatus produces high order harmonics of a Ti:sapphire laser in the x-ray region of the spectrum with ultrafast pulse durations and is used to measure valence orbitals and atomic core levels during reactions and dissociation. The instrument consists of a 2.5 mJ pulse energy, 1000 Hz repetition rate Ti:sapphire laser system, a 1000 Hz pulsed jet of rare gas ...