Abstract. Single-crystal Raman and infrared reflectivity data including high pressure results to over 200 kbar on a natural, probably fully ordered MgA1204 spinel reveal that many of the reported frequencies from spectra of synthetic spinels are affected by disorder at the cation sites. The spectra are interpreted in terms of factor group analysis and show that the high energy modes are due to the octahedral internal modes, in contrast to the behavior of silicate spinels, but in agreement with previous data based on isotopic and chemical cation substitutions and with new Raman data on gahnite (~ ZnAI204) and new IR reflectivity data on both gahnite and hercynite (~Feo.ssMgo.42A1204). Therefore, aluminate spinels are inappropriate as elastic or thermodynamic analogs for silicate spinels.Fluorescence sideband spectra yield complementary information on the vibrational modes and provide valuable information on the acoustic modes at high pressure. The transverse acoustic modes are nearly pressure independent, which is similar to the behavior of the shear modes previously measured by ultrasonic techniques. The pressure derivative of all acoustic modes become negative above 110 kbar, indicating a lattice instability, in agreement with previous predictions. This lattice instability lies at approximately the same pressure as the disproportionation of spinel to MgO and A1203 reported in high temperature, high pressure work.