This is the first of a couple of papers in which the peculiar capabilities of the Hamiltonian approach to general relativity are exploited to get both new results concerning specific technical issues, and new insights about old foundational problems of the theory. The first paper includes:1) a critical analysis of the various concepts of symmetry related to the Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian viewpoint on the one hand, and to the Hamiltonian viewpoint, on the other. This analysis leads, in particular, to a re-interpretation of active diffeomorphisms as passive and metric-dependent dynamical symmetries of Einstein's equations, a re-interpretation which enables to disclose the (up to now unknown) connection of a subgroup of them to Hamiltonian gauge transformations on-shell;2) a re-visitation of the canonical reduction of the ADM formulation of general relativity, with particular emphasis on the geometro-dynamical effects of the gauge-fixing procedure, which amounts to the definition of a global (non-inertial) space-time laboratory. This analysis discloses the peculiar dynamical nature that the traditional definition of distant simultaneity and clocksynchronization assume in general relativity, as well as the gauge relatedness of the "conventions" which generalize the classical Einstein's convention.3) a clarification of the physical role of Dirac and gauge variables, as their being related to tidallike and generalized inertial effects, respectively. This clarification is mainly due to the fact that, unlike the standard formulations of the equivalence principle, the Hamiltonian formalism allows to define a generalized notion of "force" in general relativity in a natural way;