Products 3 of the readily oxidized 1 and 2 are found to be sensitive to solvolysis, especially when X and R are electron-withdrawing substituents. In some cases, the salts 3 could be identified as the oxidation products of the salts 9. The oxidation of 9p (X = 5,6-benzo, R = CH3) by an alkaline solution of K3Fe (CN), leading to the quinoxalinone lop is compared with the voltammetric oxidation of 81 (X=H, R = 4-ClC&,) and related to Viehe's [ 151 c, d-stabilized radicals. 'H-NMR.-spectra of the salts 3 are discussed with regard to the (E/Z)-isomers.Indigoide Strukturelemente der Farbstoffe 1 [ l ] und 2 [2] lassen erwarten, dass ihre Reduktion zu Leukoformen 4 und/oder 4' und ihre Oxydation zu Analogen des Dehydroindigos, den quartaren Salzen 3 fuhrt (Schema Da Akzeptorsubstituenten die Reduktion, Donorsubstituenten die Oxydation eines Substrates fordern und die Umwandlung von 1 zu 2 die Akzeptorwirkung von N (4) verstarkt, scheint es auf den ersten Blick zweckmassig, die Oxydation (von 1) in neutralem Schema 1