“…The most general rule for ν = (n − k, 1 k ), a hook, and any other two partitions, was estabslished by Blasiak in 2012 [Bla17], and later simplified in [Liu17,BL18]. Other special cases include multiplicity-free Kronecker products by Bessenrodt-Bowman [BB17], triples of partitions which are marginals of pyramids by Ikenmeyer-Mulmuley-Walter [IMW17], k(m k , m k , (mk − n, n)) as counting labeled trees by Pak-Panova [Pan15, slide 9], near-rectangular partitions by Tewari in [Tew15], etc. As shown in [IMW17], computing the Kronecker coefficients is #P-hard, and deciding positivity is NP-hard.…”