The Kruskal-Szekeres coordinate construction for the Schwarzschild spacetime could be interpreted simply as a squeezing of the $t$-line into a single point, at the event horizon $r=2M$. Starting from this perspective, we extend the Kruskal charting to spacetimes with two horizons, in particular the Reissner-Nordström manifold, $\mathcal{M}_{RN}$. We develop a new method to construct Kruskal-like coordinates through casting the metric in new null coordinates, and find two algebraically distinct ways to chart $\mathcal{M}_{RN}$, referred to as classes: type-I and type-II within this work. We pedagogically illustrate our method by crafting two compact, conformal, and global coordinate systems labeled $\mathcal{GK_{I}}$ and $\mathcal{GK_{II}}$ as an example for each class respectively, and plot the corresponding Penrose diagrams. In both coordinates, the metric differentiability can be promoted to $C^\infty$ in a straightforward way. Finally, the conformal metric factor can be written explicitly in terms of the $t$ and $r$ functions for both types of charts. We also argued that the chart recently reported in \cite{soltani_2023} could be viewed as another example for the type-II classification, similar to $\mathcal{GK_{II}}$.