Rain constitutes a major limitation to the performance and use of terrestrial and satellite communication systems with operational frequencies greater than 10 GHz. The situation gets further complicated by fast fluctuations in the received signal amplitude due to in homogeneities in atmospheric weather conditions; a phenomenon known as amplitude scintillation. The concurrent evaluation of the two phenomena guarantees a better fade margin determination for the planning of radio communication over any location. This work employs 3 years of in-situ measurement of temperature, humidity, rainfall rate and rainfall amount for the estimation of tropospheric amplitude scintillation and rain specific attenuation over Akure (7.17° N, 5.18° E, 358 m) South West Nigeria. Davis vantage pro weather station at 1-min integration time was used for the measurement and the ITU models for rain specific attenuation (ITU-R P.838-3) and amplitude scintillation (ITU–R 618-13) were employed for the estimation. Time series and statistical analyses of the phenomena show that rain attenuation is the more prominent cause of signal degradation at Ku-band frequencies. Nevertheless, the need to make an extra fade margin allowance of about 0.25 dB due to amplitude scintillation fade subsists to forestall any loss of synchronization on the link. Also, a 3-parameter power-law expression developed for estimating amplitude scintillation fade from rain attenuation performed excellently well, as indicated by average root mean square error (RMSE) and coefficient of determination (R2) values of 0.002151 and 0.8747, respectively.