We discuss complete noncompact hypersurfaces in the Euclidean space R n+1 with finite total curvature. We obtain that the reduced L 2 cohomology space has finite dimension. This result is an improvement of Carron's result without the restriction of mean curvature. It is also a generalization of the result of Cavalcante, Mirandola, and Vitório from the case of L 2 harmonic 1-forms to the case of L 2 harmonic p-forms (0 ≤ p ≤ n).Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 53C20; Secondary 53C40.
Keywords.Reduced L 2 cohomology, Hypersurfaces in the Euclidean space, Total curvature, L 2 Harmonic p-forms.
Introduction.Topological and geometric properties of complete submanifolds in the Euclidean space with finite total curvature have been studied since the work of Gauss. For instance, suppose that M 2 is a complete minimal surface isometrically immersed in the Euclidean space R 2+p . By results of Huber [8], Osserman [12], and Chern-Osserman [4], it is known that this immersion is proper and M is homeomorphic to a compact surface punctured at finitely many points. Later, White [15] and Müller-Šverák [11] discuss the non-minimal case.In [1], Carron proved that if M n (n ≥ 3) is a complete noncompact submanifold of R n+p with finite total curvature and finite mean curvature (i. e. the L n -norm of the mean curvature vector is finite), then each pth space of reduced L 2 -cohomology on M has finite dimension, for 0 ≤ p ≤ n. It was pointed out in [2] that the reduced L 2 cohomology is related with the space of L 2 harmonic p-forms (see Proposition 2.1). Fu and Xu [6] discussed a complete submanifold with parallel mean curvature and finite total curvature in R n+p and obtained the dimension of the space of the L 2 harmonic 1-forms on