6(b). The three-dimensional (3D) image of the dynamic modulated Gaussian CW is as shown in Figure 7, whereas the maximum power within the nanoring of 120 mW is obtained.
CONCLUSIONSWe have shown the dynamic behaviors of pulses propagation within the double PANDA ring resonators that can be performed by using two nanoring resonators incorporating into the add/ drop multiplexer. By using the OPTI-WAVE PROGRAMMING and the reasonable input parameters, the dynamic behaviors can be controlled and the required output pulses obtained. In this case, the dynamic behavior can be controlled and used for the desired applications. The maximum number of peaks (counts) of 18 is obtained, which is available for multi light source or wavelength enhancement application; moreover, the output amplification is also obtained where the maximum power within the nanoring of 120 mW is obtained. ABSTRACT: The article presents the design of a linear voltagecontrolled 360 analog phase shifter operating at 2.2 GHz. It is a reflection-type with a simple and compact structure, using a k/4-coupled-line coupler with the output ports terminated with identical parallel-tuned varactor-diode circuits for a full 360 -phase shift. Formulas are derived for making use of the dimensions of the transmission lines to linearize the phase shift against the control voltage. Simulation and measurement results on the linearity and insertion loss are presented.