VitTrans is a device that enables the vitrification and warming/dilution of in vitro produced bovine embryos followed by their direct transfer to recipient females in field conditions. This study sought to improve the VitTrans method by comparing two equilibration times: short (SE: 3 min) and long (LE: 12 min). Outcome measures recorded in vitrified D7 and D8 expanded blastocysts were survival and hatching rates, differential cell counts, apoptosis rate and gene expression.
While survival rates at 3 h and 24 h post-warming were reduced (P < 0.05) after vitrification, hatching rates of D7 embryos vitrified after SE were similar to those obtained in fresh non-vitrified blastocysts. Hatching rates of vitrified D8 blastocysts were lower (P < 0.05) than of fresh controls, regardless of treatment. Total cell counts, and inner cell mass and trophectoderm cell numbers were similar in hatched blastocysts derived from D7 blastocysts vitrified after SE and fresh blastocysts, while vitrified D8 blastocysts yielded lower values, regardless of treatment. The rate of apoptotic cells was significantly higher in both treatment groups when compared to fresh controls, although apoptosis rates were lower using the SE than LE protocol. No differences emerged in expression of the genes BAX, AQP3, CX43 and IFNτ between blastocysts vitrified after SE or LE, whereas a significantly higher abundance of BCL2L1 and SOD1 transcripts was observed in blastocysts vitrified after SE compared to LE.
The VitTrans device combined with a shorter exposure to the equilibration medium improves vitrification/warming outcomes facilitating the direct transfer of vitrified embryos under field conditions.