Background:Difficult intubation is always a nightmare for an Anaesthetist. This study was planned to study the alternative method of stylet use during difficult oro-tracheal intubation. Outcome measures assessed were ease of intubation, hemodynamic stability and reducing complications.Materials and Methods:A cohort of 60 patients of Mallampati class III patients was formed and patients were divided into two groups. In group 1 patients, conventional through tube method was used for inserting stylet, whereas, in group 2 patients, Murphy's eye was used for inserting malleable flexi tip stylet.Results:Hemodynamic stability in terms of mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate was observed in group 2. Intubating time, number of attempts of successful intubation and post operative pharyngo-laryngeal complications was also low in group 2 patients.Conclusion:The use of Murphy's eye to pass stylet during difficult airway manoeuvre is a safe alternative over conventional rail-road technique.