To understand the relationship between the L-myc genotypes and esophageal cancer risk, a polymerase chain reaction-based restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis was performed on 91 Japanese patients with esophageal cancer and 241 non-cancer outpatients. No significant difference in the distribution of genotypes was observed between patients and controls; 18.7% LL genotype, 56.0% LS and 25.3% SS among patients, and 24.5%, 55.6% and 19.9%, respectively, among controls. Frequency of the s-allele in patients (0.533) was slightly higher than in controls (0.477), but the difference was not statistically significant. However, the odds ratios (ORs) for smoking or heavy drinking were markedly higher in SS and LS genotypes than in LL genotype; agesex-adjusted ORs for smoking was 7.57 in the SS genotype, 6.40 in the LS genotype and 1.77 in the LL genotype. Age-sex-adjusted ORs for heavy drinking were 19.78, 18.20 and 7.40, respectively. The age-sex-adjusted ORs for both factors combined were 12.77, 18.45 and 1.44, respectively. These results suggested that the L-myc polymorphism might modify the effects of lifestyle factors on esophageal cancer risk.
Key words: Esophageal cancer -L-myc polymorphism -Risk factor -LifestyleThe L-myc gene, belonging to the Myc family, was first isolated from a small cell lung cancer and located on chromosome 1p32.1) Genomic DNA within the L-myc locus shows an EcoRI RFLP defined by two alleles with the 10 kb fragment (l-allele) and the 6.6 kb fragment (s-allele), which gives three genotypes, LL, LS and SS.2) This polymorphism can also be detected by EcoRI digestion of the PCR fragment including the polymorphic site.3, 4) Though no functional differences between l-and s-alleles are known, the association of s-allele with tumor susceptibility was reported in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, 5) gastric cancer, 6, 7) hepatocellular carcinoma 8) and sarcoma. 9) It was also reported that lung cancer patients with s-allele exhibited a much higher incidence of metastasis. [10][11][12] On the other hand, no associations were reported between the L-myc genotype and susceptibility to renal cancer, 13) oral cancer, 14) gastric cancer, 6, 15) breast cancer, 6) lung cancer 16,17) or bladder cancer. 18) Therefore the relationship between cancer susceptibility and the L-myc polymorphism is not yet well established.To date, only one study has been reported on the relationship between susceptibility to esophageal cancer and the L-myc polymorphism, showing that esophageal cancer risk was increased in the SS genotype.19) Since opposite results were reported for the relationship between the susceptibility to some types of cancer and the L-myc polymorphism as described above, further studies are also required on esophageal cancer. In the present study, we assessed the relationship between the L-myc genotype and esophageal cancer risk. The risk of lifestyle factors was also examined in each genotype, since some lifestyle factors such as smoking and drinking are well-known risk factors for esophageal cancer. Table ...