Abstract. First we give an upper bound of cat(E), the L-S category of a principal G-bundle E for a connected compact group G with a characteristic map α : ΣV → G. Assume that there is a cone-decomposition {F i | 0 ≤ i ≤ m} of G in the sense of Ganea that is compatible with multiplication. Then we have cat(E) ≤ Max(m+n, m+2) for n ≥ 1, if α is compressible into F n ⊆ F m G with trivial higher Hopf invariant H n (α). Second, we introduce a new computable lower bound, Mwgt(X; F 2 ) for cat(X). The two new estimates imply cat(Spin(9)) = Mwgt(Spin(9); F 2 ) = 8 > 6 = wgt(Spin(9); F 2 ), where (wgt−; R) is a category weight due to Rudyak and Strom.