Solid tumor has unique vascular architecture, excessive production of vascular mediators, and extravasation of macromolecules from blood vessels into the tumor tissue interstitium. These features comprise the phenomenon named the EPR effect of solid tumors, described in 1986. Our investigations on the EPR revealed that many mediators, such as bradykinin, NO, and prostaglandins, are involved in the EPR effect, which is now believed to be the most important element for cancer-selective drug delivery. However, tumors in vivo manifest great diversity, and some demonstrate a poor EPR effect, for example, because of impaired vascular flow involving thrombosis, with poor drug delivery and therapeutic failure. Another important element of this effect is that it operates in metastatic cancers. Because few drugs are currently effective against metastases, the EPR effect offers a great advantage in nanomedicine therapy. The EPR effect can also be augmented two to three times via nitroglycerin, ACE inhibitors, and angiotensin II-induced hypertension. The delivery of nanomedicines to tumors can thereby be enhanced. In traditional PDT, most PSs had low MW and little tumor-selective accumulation. Our hydroxypropylmetacrylamide-polymer-conjugated-PS, zinc protoporphyrin (apparent MW >50 kDa) showed tumor-selective accumulation, as revealed by fluorescent imaging of autochthonous cancers. After one i.v. injection of polymeric PS followed by two or three xenon light irradiation/treatments, most tumors regressed. Thus, nanoprobes with the EPR effect seem to have remarkable effects. Enhancing the EPR effect by using vascular modulators will aid innovations in PDT for greater tumor-targeted drug delivery.