This paper considers the problem of outputfeedback control for non-square multi-input multi-output systems with arbitrary relative degree. The proposed controller, based on the L1 adaptive control architecture, is designed using the right interactor matrix and a suitably defined projection matrix. A state-output predictor, a low-pass filter, and adaptive laws are introduced that achieve output tracking of a desired reference signal. It is shown that the proposed control strategy guarantees closed-loop stability with arbitrarily small steady-state errors. The transient performance in the presence of non-zero initialization errors is quantified in terms of decreasing functions. Rigorous mathematical analysis and illustrative examples are provided to validate the theoretical claims.Index Terms-Adaptive systems, nonlinear systems, adaptive control, non-square systems.• (A m ,B) is controllable, and (C mB ) is full rank. • If M (s) has no unstable zeros, thenM (s) does not possess unstable zeros.Proof. The proof of Corollary 1 is given in the Appendix. Remark 2. If (C m B m ) is full rank, then Z(s) = I m . Moreover, the rank condition on (C m B m ) is associated with the vector relative degree of MIMO systems. It can be easily shown that (C m B m ) is full rank, if and only if the vector relative degree is 1 m = [1, . . . , 1] ∈ R m . For systems with high relative degrees, (C m B m ) has rank deficiency.