The Eagle Owl is characterized with its stubby body, big eyes, and the erected feathers at the top of the ears identifying the existence of two "ears" for this owl. There are two types of this owl; the Eagle Owl (Bubo babo) which is mainly found in North Africa, Middle East, Asia, and Europe in the winter season. The second type is the Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) and breeds in the north of Equatorial Africa, Middle East, Asia and Europe. Nowadays, the Eagle Owl is found in Egypt in the Delta, particularly El-Fayoum, Kharga oasis, and the Red Sea Coast. As for the Long-eared Owl, it appears in modern Egypt as a winter immigrant in the Nile Delta; Houlihan 1988, 110. 7 The specie is characterized with its large head, dark back wing as well as crown. As for the rest of the body, it is white in color. The heart-shaped face is also notable in the Barn Owl. This type of owls breeds in Europe in winter season, Africa, Middle East and Asia. In Egypt, Barn Owls are found in the oases of Dakhla and Kharga, in the Nile Delta, mainly in Fayoum and along the west coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The territories of the Seuz Canal are also places where Barn Owls are found;